Yes, Born This Way is a song by Lady Gaga. But it’s also the title of a book I read on New Year’s Eve day. And when I finished the last page and closed the back cover, I hugged it to my heart.
The full title of this endearing book is Born This Way: Real Stories of Growing up Gay. Author Paul Vitagliano, who’s known in Los Angeles as the club and radio deejay Paul V, based it on his highly popular blog of the same name. Both share and celebrate the stories of people who grew up during the 40s through the 90s with feelings they didn’t always understand. There’s humor, tenderness and deep love of self.
Paul’s message is universal: Every child is a gift, and, straight or gay, each deserves to be loved unconditionally and raised to know that our differences are to be celebrated.
As I take these one hundred stories with me into 2014, I want to share the New Year’s resolution that I repeat often to myself, and encourage my son and anyone else who will listen to do the same.
I will approve of myself, my characteristics, my abilities, my tendencies, and my likes and dislikes, realizing that these form my unique individuality. I have them for a reason.*
We are all worthy. We all have value. We were born that way. Happy New Year!
*This was given to Jane Roberts and Robert Butts by Seth on New Year’s Day 1979.
Perfecto, Julia! I am enough. Abrazos fuertes! mama lou
Siempre! Gracias, amiga mia. Estoy pensando en ti. xo
Wow, what a concept!!!! It is hard to imagine that anyone would not love their child from the get-go and forever!!
Thank you for this amazing blog and for your amazing mind.
Seriously, right?! Thank you, dahlink. xo
Tears, I have tears in my eyes right now. I need that book. I love your post. You are a wonderful person. 🙂
Thanks, Renee. You’re so sweet. I’d send you my copy, but I just can’t part with it! xo
Thanks, Jet.
Julie, you are inspirational. xxxx
What a lovely thing to say, Suzanne. Thank you. I assure you that my inpspiration came from Paul’s wonderful collection of stories.
Thanks so much, Julie! And how great we’ve gotten to connect directly. Sometimes the internet works in wonderful ways! And for any readers here who want to find my book, this link below can lead you to everywhere it’s available. And I hope you all enjoy it! xo – Paul V. Vitagliano
There’s a special place in my heart for your book, Paul. It was a pleasure to share it here. Cheers to you and the many editions of Born This Way that are sure to follow. xo
So great to have a mother that isn’t just supportive but an amazing communicator, advocate and educator. You and Harry join others as trailblazers in being true to “yourself.” Thumbs up:)!