My son as Agent Dana Scully, Halloween 2014.
“I know I posted a Halloween piece last week, but how can I not write something Halloween-y on October 31st?” I asked my son Harry, over dinner Wednesday night.
“You could write about how Halloween is like Gay Pride for straight people,” he said.
“It is?”
“Yeah, some comedian or celebrity said that once.”
My thoughts about Halloween envisioned kids trick-or-treating, decorating the house with cobwebs, skeletons and witches, and dressing in a scary costume. But given the racks of “sexy” female and “hot” male costumes at Ricky’s Halloween Superstore, I could buy the idea that it’s a night many break loose to express their sexuality or reveal their inner super hero or diva. In other words, be freely whoever they are or want to be.
“So if Halloween is Gay Pride for straight people, then what is it for you?” I asked.
“Halloween for drag queens? It’s the Super Bowl. Or the World Cup. Bring your A-game or don’t bother playing.”
I laughed. “That’s good, Harry. Now remind me what your costumes are this year?”
He’d told me weeks ago he was going to five parties and putting together five different outfits. So he rattled them off. Last weekend was The X-Files FBI agent Dana Scully, as pictured above.
Monday night he won a costume contest as Bruce Jenner.
Last night was dedicated to Hedwig.
I can’t wait to see a photo of tonight’s sexy Ruth Bader Ginsburg outfit. And for Saturday’s costume of Pink Flamingos character Connie Marble, I know he’s fashioning his own eyeglasses, because he had the modeling clay sent to my house.
Connie Marble’s glasses, soon to be bejeweled.
Yep, that’s my Halloween A-gamer, all right.
And now for the first time, from the archives, my top fave Halloween tale.
They were alone in the house. It was a cold, dark, stormy night. The storm had come up quickly, and each time the thunder boomed, he watched her jump.
She looked across the room and admired his strong appearance. She wished that he would take her in his arms, comfort her, and protect her from the storm.
She wanted that… Then the power went out.
She screamed.
He raced to the sofa where she was cowering. He did not hesitate to pull her into his arms. He knew this was a forbidden union and expected her to pull back. He was surprised when she didn’t resist, but instead clung to him.
The storm raged on, as did their growing passion, and there came a moment when each knew that they had to be together. They knew it was wrong. Their families would not understand.
But they were so consumed in their passion they didn’t hear the door or the click of the light switch.
The power was back on……. <click here>
Happy Halloween!
“What I learned the second time my boy wanted to be a girl for Halloween.”
You have done it again. Amber Alert is hilarious and in quasi drag really looks like you. Happy Halloweenie to all and to all a good pre-vote night.
Thanks, Richshala! And I think you’re right. Amber does kinda look like me. 🙂 xo
OMG, I LOVE Jenner!!!!! I thought it was Witchy-poo from HR Puff & Stuff! By the way, if he hasn’t seen that, you HAVE to find it and watch it with him! Please post the as-of-yet-unseen costumes! Have a great weekend!
Will do, Kat! And I’m eager to see The Honorable RBG myself. I’ll be sure to post. xo
Loved the pictures and your post!! Bruce was incredible!! The nose!! OMG! And your friend is right, we have to see the Honorable RBG, please post a picture! I’ve never seen Harry (over the age of twelve) without a beard. What a lovely face.
Hehehe…I cracked up over Bruce, too, Renee! Harry is SO in his element this week. He’s promised to send me photos of his RBG, so I’ll be sure to post. And I told him Wednesday night how much I love seeing his dimple and jawline. 🙂 Thanks for writing!! xo