As a teenager, my now-adult kid Harry came out to me as bisexual and then again as gay. It didn’t feel right either time to talk to Harry’s dad until he had. Harry did tell his dad right away. But what would I have done if he hadn’t? A reader at My Kid Is Gay posed a similar question. Was it unusual for a child to come out to only one parent? Here’s the mom’s question, followed by my thoughts on how to handle her dilemma.
“My adult son told me he was gay almost one year ago. He has not told his father or brother and has not mentioned it again. I love him so much and I am so proud of who he is and want to be supportive. But I don’t think he wants to talk about it. Is this normal?”
I was divorced when my son, then a high school freshman, came out to me. I don’t think he planned it, as the subject arose while we were dining out. Before leaving the restaurant I asked him to please tell his dad, too. I didn’t want his dad to feel excluded from knowing such an important part of our child’s identity. I have a feeling you want the same thing for your family.
Coming out can be a gradual process.
I wouldn’t say it’s the “norm” for an adult child to come out to only one parent. A Pew Research Center survey indicates that sharing one’s sexual orientation with family can be a gradual process. Coming out can often taking several years to unfold. That surprised me. But the article includes many personal explanations from LGBTQ+ on why. The piece also backs up what I’ve learned from my LGBTQ+ friends and family. Coming out to one’s parents as an adult can be terrifying.
I don’t think there’s really any one “right” way or time to come out to family. Everyone has to do it in their own time, and that’s when they feel comfortable and safe. The fact that your son told you but not his dad or brother may mean that he feels closer to you and anticipated that your response would be filled with the love, pride, and support you mention above.
Coming out requires a tremendous amount of energy.
He may be worried about his dad or brother’s reactions, wondering if they’ll be as immediately accepting as you were. Based on beliefs or assumptions of your husband’s views, your son might anticipate his dad will have a hard time dealing with the fact he’s gay. Or maybe your sons have a close relationship and he’s afraid his brother will be angry he wasn’t the first to know. He might just fear being devastated by a negative reaction of any kind.
In addition to courage, coming out requires a tremendous amount of energy. Perhaps your son has decided to take things slowly with coming out to his dad and brother, or is still wrestling with how to tell them. Maybe the relief he felt telling you was enough for now, and he’s just not ready to move forward with telling other people. Only that “now” has become a year later, and it’s creating some stress for you. I’m sure that in a marriage built on trust you want to be able to talk openly and honestly about your children with your husband.
A lot of maybes.
You didn’t say that your son expressly asked you not to tell your husband. Maybe he assumed you would; maybe he really wanted you to. Maybe you believe that’s his truth to tell, and you wouldn’t dream of sharing that without his request that you do so. On the other hand, maybe he has no intention of ever telling his dad or brother.
I realize I’ve presented you with a whole lot of maybes. But the bottom line is that all of these unknowns are creating stress for you. Until you have a conversation with your son, you can only keep guessing. And I think that after almost a year, there’s nothing wrong with asking your son to help you understand why he hasn’t come out yet to his dad and brother.
Coming out can take time.
Ask him if you can come over for a heart-to-heart talk, or invite him out for lunch. Explain that you assumed he wanted to tell each of his parents individually, and the fact that he hasn’t done that after almost a year is confusing to you. Assure him you know the how and when of coming out is up to him, and that you understand it can take time. You can also communicate how you feel being the only parent who knows about his sexuality.
If he says he’s just not ready, maybe he’s wanted all along for you to tell your husband. That could pave the way for him to have a future father-son dialogue down the road. If he says he isn’t comfortable with that, again, ask him to explain. If it’s because he wants to be the one to tell his dad, then honor his wishes. But ask him for some sort of timeline, because not being able to share in your pride for him with his dad is placing you in an awkward position within your marriage.
Coming out to family is about acceptance.
If he fears his dad will reject him, ask him to explain those thoughts and feelings. If you know your husband loves and supports your son unconditionally, assure him of that. Provided his dad is by no means anti-gay, ensure him of that, too. If you don’t think your husband has ever considered the possibility your son is gay, express that.
You can probably agree it might take some time for his dad to process the information, but that he does love him unconditionally. You could even offer to be present when he tells his dad and/or brother. It might make it easier for him to say something like, “I’ve shared something about myself with Mom and now I want you to know, too.”
Coming out to family is about acceptance and wanting a closer relationship with loved ones. And if that’s what your son wants—and I have a feeling he does—then I’m sure the two of you can come up with a coming out plan. There may never be that perfect time, but with your love, support, and assurances, I’m sure you can find a way that makes your family closer and stronger and your lives fuller.
Holiday gift ideas for gender-nonconforming kids.
Dear cousin Juliska,
Who could ask for a better dad then Ken? He and his siblings and all the cousins are the greatest! You all done good.
Coming out takes too much energy and that needs to change, and it will!
Best to you all for a very Happy New Year where things will get better. It’s always something or it’s not.
Aw, Rickshala.. I couldn’t agree more about Ken and his sibs. And I’m with you on that energy shift! New Year’s cheers to you, darling. Jxo
Passed this on to a friend today, very applicable. Chloe’
You’re a good friend, Chloe. I hope it can help make life a little easier for them. Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday! <3 Jxo